Weekly Newsletter (January 20-23)


Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on January 17, 2015

It’s another four day week here at TBS. There is no school on Monday for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Last week students had the opportunity to watch the entire I Have a Dream Speech. They took notes on the speech as if they were newspaper reporters, and then started the process of creating their own newspaper, which included an article on the famous speech.

Early this week, students will complete a fictional story about the town of Roanoke’s mysterious disappearance in the 1500s. Some may not be actually finished to the end (which is ok) because many students asked to continue to stories on their own. However, if you have a chance, ask your child to see his/her story on Google Docs. The stories are great and show many of the writing skills we’ve been working on this year.

We started Unit 4 in math last week – Multiplying and Dividing Decimals. Students were given back the Unit 3 test last week. Overall, the test scores were very good.


Upcoming Events

Parent/Teacher Conferences – Thursday and Friday, March 19-20

Grade 5 Open House – Tuesday, May 26

Last Day of School – Thursday, June 11 (w/one snow day)

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