Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on October 31, 2015
The Unit 2: Division test in math will be on Friday. There will also be an extra, optional review session before school on Friday morning at 7:30 AM for any student who chooses to attend. Students will receive a Review Packet on Monday and we will go over it on Wednesday (with an extra day for review built in on Thursday).
Last week we had some fun Halloweenish activities put on by our hard working room parents. Students worked in teams and completed estimation and Minute to Win It challenegs. A big thank you to Sanna Reynolds, Leslie Cifaldi, and Jen Zbell for organizing the festivities.
On Friday we went to the More Than Money conference at Aetna. Students participated in lessons on businesses and money (with great math tie-ins) with other fifth graders from around the state. 240 fifth graders were in attendance.
After a five year hiatus, I reestablished a Book Buddy program with one of the first grade classes over at Pine Grove. Our classes will be partnered up, and each student will have a little buddy he/she is matched up with. Our first visit to see our Book Buddies will take place on Friday, November 20 when we walk over to Pine Grove.
Finally, Parent/Teacher Conference sign-up instructions went out about a week ago via SignUp Genius. If you have not signed up or need me to resend the instructions please let me know. The Conferences are officially on Thursday, December 3 and Friday, December 4, but I also opened up slots every morning that week as well.
Upcoming Events
Book Buddies – Friday, November 20 @ Pine Grove
Parent/Teacher Conferences – Thursday, December 3 – Friday, December 4
Last Day of School – Tuesday, June 7