Weekly Newsletter (March 20-24)


Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on March 18, 2017

It was great seeing so many of you at Parent/Teacher Conferences last week. As of this week, there are now less than three months left in the school year. If there are no more unexpected days off this year, the last day of school will be Tuesday, June 20.

Last week was quite a mess with the two days off of school and then two half days at the end of the day. Much of what was planned didn’t happen. We were able to get in the math test on Friday so we will start the next math unit this week. The final science week was supposed to conclude, but that is now this week. This week will be the last time students will switch for science this year. We were  also supposed to start book groups last week, and now they will begin this week. Students will be reading a historical fiction novel set during the American Revolution time period.

Upcoming Events

Old State House – Monday, March 27

April Vacation – April 10-14

Nathan Hale Homestead – Friday, May 19

End-of-the-year-BBQ – Monday, June 19

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