
Bungles Class Store

Bungles is our classroom store that is run entirely by the students of Room 111. Students will fill out a job application for their desired job and interviews will be conducted for management positions. In preparation of the Grand Opening, advertising agents will work on creating posters and flyers to promote the store opening and then run the ticket/raffle system each day. Managers will put a price tag on every item and also take careful inventory of each item. Sales representatives receive training on customer service, handling money and making change, and writing receipts. Our store will run all year long and will be open during the morning snack/bathroom break. Students will receive a weekly paycheck every Friday which they will need to pay their desk rent. (See below for more info about desk renting/ownership.)


Bungles Job Descriptions

(Pay Day is Every Friday)


Store Manager (1 position)

The store manager is responsible for opening and closing the store each day it is open. He/she is also responsible for the Inventory Sheet which must be updated each time an item is purchased from the store. When the store closes each day, the manager is responsible for counting the money in the cash box. While the store is open, the manager’s primary responsibility is keeping it running smoothly. This includes keeping an orderly line as well as keeping track of employees that worked and if they showed up on time. The manager will run the weekly management meeting where they will discuss employees, new advertising strategies, and the Employee of the Week. He/she will also inventory new items each week as they become available. The manager will provide assistance to the sales representatives when needed. The store manager should be a highly responsible person with a strong math background.

Salary: 2 Dingos per week


Assistant Manager (3 positions)

These three students will work with the store manager in keeping the store running smoothly. If the store manager is absent, an assistant manager will take on all responsibilities. They will also be responsible for inventorying new items each week as they become available. Assistant managers will also take turns with managing the store on assigned days. An assistant manager should be a highly responsible person with a good math background.

Salary: 1 Dingo per week (subject to raise)


Sales Representative (Numerous)

A sales representative is responsible for helping the manager open and close the store each day. A representative will be the one actually selling the items in the store, taking the money, and giving out a receipt to the customer. A sales representative should be confident about his/her ability to handle money and make change for the customer. They should also have the ability to handle customers’ needs and questions.

Salary: 1 Dingo per week


Advertising Agent (Numerous)

An advertising agent will help promote the store by creating posters, flyers, and brochures about its products. He/she will design and develop marketing campaigns that include print advertising, website advertising, and television commercials. Advertising agents will keep up to date with the store’s new products and find ways to promote them. An advertising agent should be willing to design colorful and creative ads both on paper and on the computer. Advertising agents will also run the Bungles Raffle each by distributing raffle tickets each day to customers and recording the results.

Salary: 1 Dingo per week


Desk Rent

In order to use your desk and enjoy its privileges, you must pay a rental fee of one Dingo per week. Rent will be collected every Monday morning and must be paid in full and on time. If you cannot afford your rent you must “move out.” This means removing all of your belongings from your desk and moving them into your locker. Your desk will then be turned around and you will no longer have the privilege of keeping anything inside your desk. Once you come up with your rent money you can move back in.


Desk Ownership

You have the opportunity to buy your desk for 10 Dingos. Once you own your desk you will no longer have to pay rent on it. You can also buy other students’ desks for 10 Dingos as long as they don’t already own it. If you own the desk of another student, every Monday that student now has to pay rent to YOU. If that student wants to buy his/her desk back, he/she can buy it back from the current owner for 10 Dingos + one Dingo interest (11 Dingos total).

(My desk is available to buy for 25 Dingos. The owner will collect two Dingos from me each week in rental income.)

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