Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on October 26, 2013
Our trip to Sturbridge Village went very well on Friday. The weather was a bit chilly, but students were dressed in cold weather gear and it was perfect for walking. Throughout the day they filled out little booklets about things they learned while walking around the village. The musket firing demonstration was a big hit with students.

Our Halloween Luncheon is on Thursday so students will not need to bring in a lunch that day unless they do not like pizza. If they are pizza-haters they could bring in something else although there will be other food/goodies, too. Later in the week students will take a Language Arts test, which will test their skills learned while working on the first Unit – Wonder. It is not a test on the book itself. They will read a short story and answer questions about that particular story, using skills they learned this year. I while review extensively with students over the next few days.

Upcoming Events
Halloween Luncheon – Thursday, October 31
Parent/Teacher Conferences – Thursday, December 5 and Friday, December 6
Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on October 19, 2013
Last week I asked a mechanical engineer from Westinghouse to come in to visit our class to talk about nuclear energy (since this week is National Nuclear Science Week). She had a great discussion with students about how nuclear energy is being used in the United States today. Students grilled her on the differences between uranium-235 and highly enriched uranium, regular vs. heavy water, and what gamma levels of radiation are lethal. It was like a congressional hearing with the engineer on the stand. She survived – barely. At the end, she had students participate in a national drawing contest about nuclear energy. Considering we were only one of two classes in Connecticut to participate, our Connecticut odds are good!
Our trip to Sturbridge Village is on Friday. It’s a lot of walking so students should wear sneakers and appropriate clothes for the weather. Each student should also bring a lunch in a sturdy bag that he/she can carry around. Groups will stop and eat wherever they want to since the grounds are very large. I recommend that they bring a drawstring bag if they own one. Brown bags would be a bad idea because they will probably break.

Upcoming Events
Sturbridge Village – Friday, October 25
Parent/Teacher Conferences – Thursday, December 5 and Friday, December 6
Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Math | Posted on October 13, 2013
Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on October 13, 2013
I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. Last week we concluded our first math unit of the year (on Place Value) and students will take the test on Thursday. Students will receive a Review Packet on Tuesday, we will review in class on Wednesday, and on Thursday I will also offer an additional (optional) review session before school at 7:30 AM. Friday is the JDRF Walk. Since this walk is outside in the morning, students should wear sneakers and warm, comfortable clothes.

Upcoming Events
JDRF Walk – Friday, October 15
Sturbridge Village – Friday, October 25
Parent/Teacher Conferences – Thursday, December 5 and Friday, December 6
Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on October 5, 2013
This week will conclude our first math unit of the year (on Place Value). Students will have their first test sometime next week (October 14-18). I will give students advance notice and provide a review as well. Last week students created Goodreads accounts. Goodreads is a site which allows users to record and rate books they have read. The students’ accounts are completely anonymous and in the future we will use these to write book reviews, too.

Upcoming Events
Sturbridge Village – Friday, October 25
Parent/Teacher Conferences – Thursday, December 5 and Friday, December 6