Weekly Newsletter (October 2-6)


Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on September 30, 2017

Thank you to everyone who helped out with the bike ride, whether it was waking your kid up early and bringing bikes back and forth, riding with us, or hauling backpacks to school.

Our first math test is on Tuesday, and students will be tested on Place Value. I will also hold and extra, optional review session before school on Tuesday. We will be reviewing in class on Monday as well – this is an additional review. This optional review session will take place on Tuesday morning at 7:30 AM in the classroom. All I ask is that if your child is attending, that you let me know in advance by responding to this e-mail. There is no need for any adults to come down to the classroom. Just kick your kid out of the car at the front door, tears and all, and have them drag themselves up to the entrance, all while glancing back at the car with angry glares. Depending on when they arrive, they may need to hit the buzzer on the outside wall for someone in the office to let them in. I taught them all how to do this a couple weeks ago.

Last week we had school pictures, the bike ride, Winding Trails, and the Egg Drop. Here ya go:

Upcoming Events

Picture Makeup Day – Friday, November 10

Parent Teacher Conferences – Thursday, December 7 and Friday, December 8 (although I will offer times each morning all week as well)

Weekly Newsletter (September 25-29)


Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on September 23, 2017

An actual, real, true five day week! This week we have school pictures, the bike ride, Winding Trails, and the Egg Drop.

On Thursday, I’ll be taking any interested students on a bike ride to school. We leave from the Avon Free Public Library at 7 AM, and take a scenic and mostly flat ride into school. This event is optional, but students who decide to come along will need a working bicycle (not the one they got when they were four with the training wheels still attached), properly inflated tires, and a helmet that fits. Every year someone shows up with either a helmet that doesn’t fit, flat tires, or a bike that is far too small/far too big. I also need parents to join us for the ride so if you would like a great way to start your day and get some exercise, please come along!

Thursday will also be our team’s day to go to Winding Trails in Farmington. We’ll be doing team building activities outside for most of the day. Students should bring a lunch, preferably one in a disposable bag. They have to carry it around to several spots so it’s much easier if they could toss it. Also, skip the brown paper bags and go with something strong, like plastic. With all the carrying they have to do, they tend to swing it around, breaking weak bags (especially brown paper ones) and feeding the Farmington ants.

The Egg Drop will take place on Friday at 8:40 AM. Basically, I get on the roof of Thompson Brook School and throw down students’ egg containers, trying to break them along with all their hopes and dreams at the same time. They try to stop me. We’ll see who wins. Parents (and little ones not in school yet) are welcome to come watch. Everyone loves smashing things. While students heard that this event while take place, they will not learn any details about it until Tuesday.

Upcoming Events

School Picture Day – Tuesday, September 26

Winding Trails – Thursday, September 28

Bike Ride to School (optional) – Thursday, September 28 @ 7 AM

Egg Drop – Friday, September 29 @8:40 AM


Weekly Newsletter (September 18-22)


Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on September 16, 2017

There is no school on Thursday for Rosh Hashanah. Yet another four-dayer here at TBS. We’ll be exploring the five-dayer next week.

This is the first week that students will start bringing home homework slips for missing homework. The policy is that homework must be turned in each morning by 8:20 AM (assuming they are here and have time to do so) with a name on it. For the first few weeks of the year it’s the honeymoon period – I call up students each day whose homework I don’t have and give them a friendly reminder. This takes up quite a bit of time each morning, but it certainly helps alleviate the number of missing homework assignments (or unnamed homework, which takes even longer to track down). On Tuesday, the first homework slips will go home. These should be signed by a parent/guardian and the homework assignment needs to be turned in the next day as well.

On Thursday, September 28 I’ll be taking any interested students on a bike ride to school. We leave from the Avon Free Public Library at 7 AM, and take a scenic and mostly flat ride into school. This event is optional, but students who decide to come along will need a working bicycle (not the one they got when they were four with the training wheels still attached), properly inflated tires, and a helmet that fits. Every year someone shows up with either a helmet that doesn’t fit, flat tires, or a bike that is far too small/far too big. I also need parents to join us for the ride so if you would like a great way to start your day and get some exercise, please come along!

Thursday, September 28 will also be our team’s day to go to Winding Trails in Farmington. We’ll be doing team building activities outside for most of the day.

The Egg Drop will take place on Friday, September 29 at 8:40 AM. Basically, I get on the roof of Thompson Brook School and throw down students’ egg containers, trying to break them along with all their hopes and dreams at the same time. They try to stop me. We’ll see who wins. Parents (and little ones not in school yet) are welcome to come watch. Everyone loves smashing things. While students heard that this event while take place, they will not learn any details about it until Tuesday.

Upcoming Events

School Picture Day – Tuesday, September 26

Winding Trails – Thursday, September 28

Bike Ride to School (optional) – Thursday, September 28 @ 7 AM

Egg Drop – Friday, September 29 @8:40 AM


Weekly Newsletter (September 12-15)


Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on September 9, 2017

There is no school for students on Monday this week. Enjoy the long weekend.

On Thursday, September 28 I’ll be taking any interested students on a bike ride to school. We leave from the Avon Free Public Library at 7 AM, and take a scenic and mostly flat ride into school. This event is optional, but students who decide to come along will need a working bicycle (not the one they got when they were four with the training wheels still attached), properly inflated tires, and a helmet that fits. Every year someone shows up with either a helmet that doesn’t fit, flat tires, or a bike that is far too small/far too big. I also need parents to join us for the ride so if you would like a great way to start your day and get some exercise, please come along!

Thursday, September 28 will also be our team’s day to go to Winding Trails in Farmington. We’ll be doing team building activities outside for most of the day.

The Egg Drop will take place on Friday, September 29 at 8:40 AM. Basically, I get on the roof of Thompson Brook School and throw down students’ egg containers, trying to break them along with all their hopes and dreams at the same time. They try to stop me. We’ll see who wins. Parents (and little ones not in school yet) are welcome to come watch. Everyone loves smashing things. While students heard that this event while take place, they will not learn any details about it until Tuesday.


Upcoming Events

School Picture Day – Tuesday, September 26

Winding Trails – Thursday, September 28

Bike Ride to School (optional) – Thursday, September 28 @ 7 AM

Egg Drop – Friday, September 29 @8:40 AM


Weekly Newsletter (September 5-8)


Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on September 2, 2017

Students survived the first three days of school, completing a 60% week. This week we’ll acclimate them a bit more with an 80% week, followed by an 80% week after that, followed by an 80% week after that. We’ll get to one of those five day weeks in the last week of September. Unless a hurricane hits. Or some crazy fall snowstorm. Then we’ll go with power failures and no full weeks until November. Good times.

The Grade 5 Parent Open House is on Tuesday, September 5 at 7 PM. This is your opportunity to hear about all the ways you could get your child into both Harvard and MIT, where they will attend both schools majoring in seven advanced degrees all while starting a national charity to save penguins in Panama. If you miss the Open House you’re out of luck. Be there. All the cool parents are coming.

We spent the first three days doing all the preparation activities, getting kids ready to be successful once I barrage them with all the academics that start on Tuesday. Well, I snuck in a lot of academics last week, too, but shhhhhh…. don’t tell them that.

On Thursday, September 28 I’ll be taking any interested students on a bike ride to school. We leave from the Avon Free Public Library at 7 AM, and take a scenic and mostly flat ride into school. This event is optional, but students who decide to come along will need a working bicycle (not the one they got when they were four with the training wheels still attached), properly inflated tires, and a helmet that fits. Every year someone shows up with either a helmet that doesn’t fit, flat tires, or a bike that is far too small/far too big. I also need parents to join us for the ride so if you would like a great way to start your day and get some exercise, please come along!

The Egg Drop will take place on Friday, September 29 at 8:40 AM. Basically, I get on the roof of Thompson Brook School and throw down students’ egg containers, trying to break them along with all their hopes and dreams at the same time. They try to stop me. We’ll see who wins. Parents (and little ones not in school yet) are welcome to come watch. Everyone loves smashing things. While students heard that this event while take place, they will not learn any details about it until Tuesday.




Upcoming Events

Grade 5 Parent Open House – Tuesday, September 5 @ 7:00 PM

School Picture Day – Tuesday, September 26

Winding Trails – Wednesday, September 27

Bike Ride to School (optional) – Thursday, September 28 @ 7 AM

Egg Drop – Friday, September 29 @8:40 AM

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