Weekly Newsletter (December 22-23)


Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on December 20, 2014

This is a two-day week. We end 2014 with the World Food Fest on Tuesday. (See the packet for details.) Students were given a lot of time last week to work on this in school. With the exception of the food itself, students had a lot of time to do the majority (if not all) the actual project in school. How well they used their time in class will have a major impact on how much work they need to complete at home.

BunglesThe Grand Opening of our Bungles Store took place on December 18

photovisi-downloadNadine and Tessa receiving an award from the NAYGN for a Nuclear Drawing Contest

Upcoming Events

Holiday Party – Tuesday, December 23

Winter Vacation – Wednesday, December 23 – Sunday, January 4

Weekly Newsletter (December 15-19)


Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on December 14, 2014

This is the last full school week of 2014 – the next full week of school isn’t until 2015. This is a somewhat normal week, and students will be working hard in a geography project which will lead right into a holiday party on December 23. More information on this is available by downloading the World Food Fest packet with all the details of this project. Students will be given a lot of time to work on this in school. With the exception of the food itself, students should have time to do the majority (if not all) the actual project in school. How well they use their time in class will have a major impact on how much work they need to complete at home.

The Math section of this website has been updated to reflect Unit 3: Add and Subtract Decimals that we are currently working on. It includes both the standards and a few instructional videos.


Upcoming Events

Holiday Party – Tuesday, December 23

Winter Vacation – Wednesday, December 23 – Sunday, January 4

Weekly Newsletter (December 8-12)


Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on December 5, 2014

I want to give a big thank you to everyone for all the help and support with our Holiday Bear Project. So many people helped in a variety of ways – student donations for doing extra chores, family donations, business donations, providing extra wrapping paper, driving students to Walmart, driving gifts back to school, and wrapping gifts this morning.We ended up raising almost $500 to purchase both gifts and gift cards for the two 12-year-old kids we sponsored – one boy and one girl. Hopefully, we’ll help them have a much brighter holiday season this year.This morning, students received a lesson (both short videos and a live demo) on the technical art of wrapping presents, both rectangular prisms and odd shapes, and they did a great job wrapping all of them up. Don’t let them try to convince you they can’t help you wrap presents this year. They know how.

The Math section of this website has been updated to reflect Unit 3: Add and Subtract Decimals that we are currently working on. It includes both the standards and a few instructional videos.


Upcoming Events

Winter Vacation – Wednesday, December 23 – Sunday, January 4

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