I want to give a big thank you to everyone for all the help and support with our Holiday Project. So many people helped in a variety of ways – student donations for doing extra chores, family donations, business donations (both checks and gift cards), providing extra wrapping paper & tape, driving students to Walmart, driving gifts back to school, and wrapping gifts the next morning.
Through the checks that came in, I was able to buy a little over $100 in Walmart gift cards to use for our shopping spree. Including those, we had about $365 to spend on the two kids to buy essential items and also threw in a $50 gift card to each family (DeCapo’s Restaurant and Big Y), $10 for each to The Meat House, and a couple free ice creams each from Carvel.
Students received a lesson on the technical art of wrapping presents, both rectangular prisms and odd shapes, and they did a great job wrapping all of them up. Don’t let them try to convince you they can’t help you wrap presents from this point forward. They know how. Avon Social Services came by to pick up the gifts.
Each year, I learn new things when I take students on this shopping journey. Here’s what I learned this year:
1) Girls walk around Walmart quietly, as if they are trying to sneak up on a buffalo. Boys stampede through the aisles like they are buffalo.
2) If there is a giant, high-walled container of ridiculously sized plastic balls in the toy section, the boys will try to remove all of them.
3) You are bound to run into one cranky old Walmart employee who hates kids and will follow your groups around with a scanner – as if she hoped to zap them, making snarky comments every time they smile.
4) Once you choose the group that will pay at the checkout with the giant bag of quarters you collected, you have chosen the line where all the people behind that group will scowl.
5) The girls carts will be filled with pink, glittery dolls and such. The boys carts will be filled with things that can destroy or run over anything pink and glittery.
In summary, girls are far superior to boys when it comes to shopping. Shopping is embedded in their DNA Double Helix. They can smell out a clearance item from 80 yards, they will coordinate the colors of everything in the shopping cart, and they will spend almost every penny of the budgeted amount. Boys? Well, who else would discover that Aisle 7 makes a great football field?

Upcoming Events
Winter Break – December 21 – January 1