Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on September 22, 2018
Unless we’re hit with a freak snowstorm, this is an honest-to-goodness five day week of school. The first one of the school year. As of this weekend, we’ve officially moved into fall so pumpkin everything is now officially appropriate as well.
Our (optional) Bike Ride to school is on Thursday morning. I would love parents to join us so if you’re up for some early morning exercise let me know.
Students will take their first math test of the year (Unit 1: Place Value) on Thursday. I will give them a Review Packet on Monday, we’ll review in class together on Wednesday, and then students will be tested on Thursday.
Upcoming Events
Bike Ride to School – Thursday, September 27
Parent/Teacher Conferences – officially December 6-7 (but I offer other mornings all week)
Last Day of School – Wednesday, June 12 (w/zero snow days)
Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on September 16, 2018
It was nice seeing so many parents at Open House last week. This is our first week of school having a Monday this year. However, there is no school on Wednesday for Yom Kippur.
Up until this point, if students forgot their homework, I spoke them them individually each day. Starting Tuesday, students will receive homework slips if they don’t turn in their homework in the morning (or without a name, requiring me to spend time going all CSI on the homework). The expectation is that students return the completed homework and signed homework slip the next day. If both aren’t returned, I’ll send you an e-mail to let you know.
Finally, I’ll be out of school all day on Thursday for a meeting, and then I’ll be out all morning on Friday for a teacher training (along with all fifth grade teachers).
Upcoming Events
Winding Trails field trip – Monday, September 17
Bike Ride to School – Thursday, September 27
Parent/Teacher Conferences – officially December 6-7 (but I offer other mornings all week)
Last Day of School – Wednesday, June 12 (w/zero snow days)
Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on September 9, 2018
I hope that everyone enjoyed the weekend – an extra long one for the kiddos. We have another four-dayer this week.
Open House is on Wednesday at 7 PM. Appetizers and dessert, including tiramisu flown in from the Veneto region of Italy, will be served. Ok, that’s a lie, but we will have chocolate. Ok, that’s a lie, too. You get nothing, but you should still come. All the cool parents will be there. I hope to see many of you there, where my goal every year is to not mention anything about academic subjects whatsoever. So… what will you talk about? (you might be thinking?) I guess you’ll have to come to find out!
Friday is the Egg Drop. Parents are invited to come watch as I plunge eggs to their demise from the rooftop. It will start around 8:35 AM outside the school near the south entrance.
Very little homework trickled home the first week, but students started to receive math homework last week. As I explained to the class, I give very little homework but I do expect the homework that does come home to be completed, with their name on it, and turned in on time. If any of those things are not done, a homework slip would go home with the student that day. It is expected that both the homework slip and the completed homework is returned the following day. I haven’t started homework slips yet (although I check the homework and remind students each day if they didn’t do something), but these will begin in about a week.
Upcoming Events
Grade 5 Open House – Wednesday, September 12
Winding Trails field trip – Thursday, September 20
Bike Ride to School – Thursday, September 27
Parent/Teacher Conferences – officially December 6-7 (but I offer other mornings all week)
Last Day of School – Wednesday, June 12 (w/zero snow days)
Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on September 2, 2018
The first week of school is down and on we go! I hope that everyone had a nice weekend of laboring and such. Perhaps more such than laboring. You should see the first Monday Memo come home on Tuesday (because there is no school on Monday this week). This should be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to school the following day.
Very little homework trickled home last week, but students will start to receive math homework this week. As I explained to the class, I give very little homework but I do expect the homework that does come home to be completed, with their name on it, and turned in on time. If any of those things are not done, a homework slip would go home with the student that day. It is expected that both the homework slip and the completed homework is returned the following day.
Open House is next Wednesday, September 12. I hope to see many of you there, where my goal every year is to not mention anything about academic subjects whatsoever. So… what will you talk about? (you might be thinking?) I guess you’ll have to come to find out!
Upcoming Events
Grade 5 Open House – Wednesday, September 12
Winding Trails field trip – Thursday, September 20
Bike Ride to School – Thursday, September 27
Parent/Teacher Conferences – officially December 6-7 (but I offer other mornings all week)
Last Day of School – Wednesday, June 12 (w/zero snow days)