Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on February 27, 2016
The Unit 5 Math Test will take place on Thursday morning. There will be an optional, extra math review on Thursday morning as well.
Our field trip to the Connecticut Science Center went very well last week. There is a great Leonardo da Vinci traveling exhibit there right now that is certainly worth checking out.
This is our final week before the March “Spring” Vacation – there will be a half day of school on Friday to kick off the break.
Upcoming Events
Nathan Hale Field Trip – Friday, May 20
Last Day of School – Thursday, June 9 (with two snow days)
Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on February 19, 2016
Our field trip to the Connecticut Science Center is on Friday. We will be there the majority of the day so students need to bring a lunch/drink. They won’t have to drag the lunch around with them all day, but I always recommend that everything is disposable so that students have less to carry around (after lunch) and less to lose. However, please give students a plastic bag rather than a brown paper bag. Students swing their bags then they rip. When they rip, the food will end up on the floor, and dinosaurs might eat the food. Then the student whines because he is hungry. I have to hear whining. I don’t like whining. So please save me from whining hungry students and use strong plastic bags.
Upcoming Events
Science Center Field Trip – Friday, February 26
Nathan Hale Field Trip – Friday, May 20
Last Day of School – Thursday, June 9 (with two snow days)
Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on February 13, 2016
Students finished their American Revolution speeches last week – I know that it’s a huge relief off of their shoulders. We will be continuing our study of the American Revolution as the weeks continue, and we will be reading a lot of non-fiction related to the Revolution.
Upcoming Events
Science Center Field Trip – Friday, February 26
Nathan Hale Field Trip – Friday, May 20
Last Day of School – Wednesday, June 8 (with one snow day)
Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on February 5, 2016
We made it to February without a delay, early dismissal, or school cancellation. (Yeah, I know – I just ruined it by putting it in writing.)
Well, that’s what I wrote last week, and yup… definitely ruined it. With Friday being a snow day, we missed out on our journey to Pine Grove to meet up with our Book Buddies. Hopefully, we’ll be able to reschedule that soon.
Students will be giving their American Revolution speeches on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Parents are invited, and a detailed list of speech days/times was e-mailed home (and is available on each student’s Google Classroom account). Parents who attend are asked to only enter the classroom in between speeches (during the pictures or transition time) so students aren’t distracted by the door opening while giving their speech. More detailed information could be found in the American Revolution Speech Packet 2016.
We are currently working on math Unit 5 – Add and Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators. Up until last week we spent a lot of time on general fraction review (using a lot of hands on activities). On Monday we will dive into the newer concepts of actually adding fractions with unlike denominators. An example of this is adding 2/3 + 3/4, and then moving on to adding mixed numbers. Students have access to playing related math games on their Google Classroom accounts (from a page of links I created), and they could also use Front Row at home.
Upcoming Events
Science Center Field Trip – Friday, February 26
Nathan Hale Field Trip – Friday, May 20
Last Day of School – Wednesday, June 8 (with one snow day)