Weekly Newsletter (September 19-21)


Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on September 17, 2012

This is a short week – a three-dayer. On Thursday morning I will be taking interested students on a Bike Ride to school. Mr. Lindberg, and students who want to participate from his class, will be joining us as well. We leave from the Avon Free Public Library at 7 AM and we will bike to school as a group. Students coming along should have properly inflated tires and a helmet. We will leave the bikes in front of the school and parents can pick them up anytime after 8 AM. We would still love to have some parents join us for the ride. It’s mostly flat and it’s a refreshing start to the day.

On Friday we go to Winding Trails where students will participate in some adventure course challenges. These challenges are group based and they will work together on mental and physical tasks. Students should wear sneakers and bring a lunch. Although the forecast for Friday is looking warm, it will probably be much cooler in the morning when we arrive so sweatshirts are recommended. That way, students can shed them as it warms up.

I sent out an e-mail Sunday night about the December Parent/Teacher Conferences. If you did not receive the e-mail let me know and I will resend it. I changed my sign up system to an online one. You pick your conference day/time and you could swap with people or even change your own time if necessary. Click here for the conference sign-ups. The password was sent to you via e-mail, but let me know if you need it again.

Upcoming Events

Bike Ride to School – Thursday, September 20 (7 AM) OPTIONAL

Winding Trails – Friday, September 21

Egg Drop – Friday, October 5, 2012

Sturbridge Village – Friday, October 19, 2012

Parent/Teacher Conferences – Monday, December 10 and Tuesday, December 11

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