Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Weekly Newsletter | Posted on January 30, 2016
We made it to February without a delay, early dismissal, or school cancellation. (Yeah, I know – I just ruined it by putting it in writing.) With the 2016-2017 school calendar approved by the Board of Education last week, this could potentially be the longest summer of public school your child has ever experienced. It could literally be two weeks longer than last year so start that summer planning now! Or at least ski plans for next weekend.
We are currently working on math Unit 5 – Add and Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators. Students have access to playing related math games on their Google Classroom accounts (from a page of links I created), and they could also use Front Row at home.
Students have now been working on the American Revolution Speech Project for a week. Each student was assigned someone famous from the American Revolution time period to research, and then he/she will give a speech as if that person. More detailed information could be found in the American Revolution Speech Packet 2016. Students have a copy of this as well. The speeches will be held on Wednesday, February 10 and Thursday, February 11. Parents are invited to come watch their child’s speech – a list of the times students are assigned to give the speech will be available later to provide a shorter and convenient window for parents.
Upcoming Events
Science Center Field Trip – Friday, February 26
Nathan Hale Field Trip – Friday, May 20
Last Day of School – Tuesday, June 7