Hello, Stalkers.


Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on August 20, 2018

Play with sound

Hello, Stalkers.


Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on August 21, 2015

 Play me with sound

Weekly Newsletter (November 26-30)


Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 24, 2012

I hope that you all managed to escape the Thanksgiving Holiday without too much calorie damage. I certainly did my part. The Powwow Presentations are this week on Wednesday and Thursday morning. The exact time of each Powwow is in this week’s Monday Memo and parents/guardians are invited to come watch their child’s group.

Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up soon – December 10 and 11. If you have not signed up for a conference, need to check your time, or want to change your time visit here. I sent an e-mail out earlier in the year about this, but if you need the password e-mail me.


Our class will be participating in the Holiday Bear Project, which is a charity that sponsors children who need a little holiday boost. We will be sponsoring a girl and a boy whose families are having a difficult time and would be hard pressed to provide gifts for their kids during the holidays. What most classes do who are involved in projects like this is to have students bring in wrapped gifts. While this is very effective, I do this a little differently. Along with altruism and empathy, I want students to utilize this opportunity to learn some other lessons, too.

At 3:30 PM on (date e-mailed), whoever is interested/available will be meeting me at Walmart in Avon. Using the money we collect we will purchase gifts (also wrapping paper and tape) for these two kids and then the entire class will wrap them up the next morning. I will discuss with students about asking family (either you or maybe family that lives nearby) if they can do some jobs around the house to earn money. Students usually have many great ideas themselves. Anything is helpful. Another thing we will be doing is using the iPad, laptops, and other computer devices to look up the names and phone numbers of local businesses. We will work on scripts that students will be using to call businesses to ask for their support in this charitable cause. (I will not have any student make a phone call if he/she is uncomfortable.) We made phone calls last year as well and this really helps students work on their speaking skills and confidence. I monitor each phone call and we do it right from the classroom. Most businesses will say no thank you (or use some very clever evasive tactics!), but a few will say yes and that is just another reality that students will experience. For the businesses that do say yes, I will ask students if any of them, driven by you, can swing by and pick up the cash, check, or gift card. If you’d be willing to do this just let your child know so if they volunteer they already have an ok from you.

I understand that not every student will be able to make it to Walmart and that is absolutely fine. All students will be involved in the process both before and after. Let me know if you have any questions about this worthy cause.

Upcoming Events

Powwows – Wednesday and Thursday, November 28 & 29 (exact times in this week’s Monday Memo)

Parent/Teacher Conferences – Monday, December 10 and Tuesday, December 11

Math Cartoon Video


Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 21, 2012

Check out this short cartoon on circles, circumference, diameter, radius, and pi – many of the things we were learning about last week in math.



Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 11, 2011

Written by: Jade, Madison, and Stella

We decided to do this “act” because we thought it would be totally random just like our personalities. Also we thought it would be entertaining and you all would all be seriously laughing and confused. And those are our two favorite things about life.  

Winding Trails Pictures (September 2011)


Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 10, 2011

Here are the pictures from the 5-1 Trip to Winding Trails in Farmington. We started with some activities as an entire team and then each class was split in half for team-building activities. Each group was led by an adventure course instructor.


Welcome to the new class website


Posted by MrLynch | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on October 14, 2011

Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening and welcome to the Lynchsters.  This is going to be our new classroom website and students will be much more involved with this website, including having their own blog website. Stay tuned…

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